Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today was the first day of Junior All American Football for Nick and Jared. Practice was from 6:00p.m.-8:00 p.m. The boys have been bugging us for a couple of years to play tackle football. They played Flag Football for the YMCA for about 3 years(Mom was happy with this because you couldn't really get hurt) and we told Nick that the summer of his 8th grade year he could try tackle football to see if he liked it enough to play when he gets to High School. Then Jared says he would like to play also intead of soccer. We were shocked because Jared has always loved playing soccer but unfortunately tackle football and soccer are at the same time. So no more soccer I guess. Since the boys are pretty much the same size (Nick alittle taller) then they can play on the same team. This means only one practice place and one game to go to.(This was appealing) Well, I sent Ty and the boys off to practice and I went to my exercise class. When I got back to my car there were 7 missed calls from Ty. I called right away to see if there was something wrong. He said Jared had forgotten his inhaler and he got alittle winded while running drills. So off I went to bring the inhaler. He was fine when I got there and I was very proud of him for working through it. So I decided to stay and watch practice and kick myself for not bringing my camera. Watching the boys do their drills was about the funniest thing Ty and I had saw in a long time. We and some of the other parents were just cracking up watching our boys trying to manuever their new, growing long legs. Well they both survived practice and said it was not as hard as they thought. We will see what they say after the first week. I will deinitely need to carry my camera with me at all time.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Baby turns "12" - Happy,Happy Birthday Jared!

JULY 18, 1997 - Born 8:30 a.m. - 8 lbs. 6 oz. - Baby Budda

My baby turned 12 today. I can't believe it. I am thinking I need to rename my BLOG to "The House of Men". I am definitely outnumbered. Twelve years ago today we were surprised with another baby boy. We did not find out the sex so that we could be surprised just once. I just knew it had to be a girl though. My pregancy was different and I was carrying all over and not just in front like the others. I had even bought dresses and had them in the closet just in case. Well to our surprise the doctor announced another baby boy. Ty couldn't have been happier. Even though I thought it might be a girl I was still very excited it was a boy. I was always told that boys will take care of their mom. Jared was a very easy baby. He was very good natured and all of his brothers loved him. Jared was definitely a "mommas boy" when he was younger. He was attached to my side at all times. Wow, how that has changed. Jared is a very independent and confident young man which we love about him. He always tells me he will take care of me when I am older. Jared is very talented in sports. He just knows exactly what to do in any sport that he plays. hmmmm - he kinda sounds like his Dad. His favorite sport is Basketball. He says that he is going to be drafted to the NBA right out of High School and then go on his mission and then return to the NBA when he returns. He has it all planned out. If anyone knows Jared he is very knowledgeale about any sport. The first thing that he does when he gets up is read the sports page.

Tomorrow,(Sunday) Jared will receive a very big gift. The gift is the Priesthood. He is very prepared to receive and honor it. He also can't wait to be in Young Men's with all the big guys. Jared really never got to be the baby because his brothers wouldn't let him. He was always doing whatever they were and trying very hard to beat them at it.

Jared shares his Birthday with a very good friend of ours Brother Bruner (aka, Grandpa, Dad) For the past three years it has been a tradition for Brother Bruner to take the boys to breakfast. Jared looks forward to this every year. This year Brother Bruner invited Ty and I to go. (of course I forgot to take pictures while we were at Sloans having breakfast.)Brother Bruner always lets Jared get whatever he want off the menu. So he picks the steak and eggs of course. (This year he didn't lose his breakfast on the way home like last year) We changed places too so this help. We had a great time. The Bruner's play an important role in my kids life. They are always up for attending any of my kids sporting events. We can always count on them cheering them from the sidelines.( or having Keith yell at the officials for a bad call - ha, ha - I had to add that just for you Keith) They have been there through the wicked cold weather and the scorching hot weather. We love having them apart of our family. Thanks Keith and Nonie for including us in your family.
So Nonie and I thought we would surprise Keith and Jared by having cake and ice cream at their house on Saturday night. We actually made it work. Neither Jared or Keith knew anything. We also included the McRae's and Oborns. We had great time.

What great friends we have. Jared, We Love You and are very proud of you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


It was July 9th and my doctor wanted to induce me so I could have my baby on our Anniversary. Well, we started the pitocin at 6:30 a.m. in the morning and kept increasing it until 6:00 p.m. I was having no contractions, nothing. He was just not ready to come yet. So, the doctor sent me home and said let's see what happens naturally. So a week later to the day, July 14th I started to have a few pains early in the morning. They progressed as the day went on and 3;38 p.m Cameron Daken Broadhead was born. 7 lbs. 12 ozs. - 19 inches long. It had been a long 5 years since I had given birth. We tried for a long time after Kirk but with no luck. We then turned to the doctor for help and found out that I suffered from endometreosis. (cysts on the ovaries) I then went in to have the cysts removed and then was told not to try for a year. This was very hard. I then got pregnant after the year but I miscarried at 12 weeks. Then a couple of months later I got pregnant again and at 16 weeks I miscarried. We were getting very discouraged. The third time was the charm I held this pregnancy to full term. We were so overjoyed to add another sweet boy into our family. With Kirk being older he was able to help me in so many ways. He loved his little baby brother.

Cameron you have been a blessing to our family ever since you came into it. Your adorable smile melted the heart of all that came in contact with you. You have always been such a tender hearted and loving boy. Some may think you are shy but if they only knew the real you. Only your family really knows. You are a great big brother . You have grown up so much and we are so proud of you and what you have accmplished in your life so far. I can't believe you are 16.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


It was 113 degrees oustide and my boys wanted to go fishing. Are we crazy or what. Well we stopped and got a cold drink and head to Ty's golf course. They stock their lakes with catfish and bass. This is the way to fish. Ty and I sat under a tree and let Nick and Jared do their thing. Now this is my kind of fishing. We just say back and within 2 minutes Jared says "I caught one". Now this is a catch and release type of fishing but the boys didn't care they just had fun catching them. I think total they caught 12 or more fish.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Where it all Began - 26 Years Ago!


It was January 6, 1983 and it was Stake Conference. I was attending with my mom and sister and brother-in-law John. We were sitting in the back when all of a sudden my sister nudges me and says "Who's that - He's cute" Well low and behold it was my future husband Ty. Apparently, his Uncle Steve had seen me and asked Ty the same question. Ty's, Dad was just being called as Bishop of the Indio Ward at that Stake Conference, so that 's why his uncle Steve was there also. After Conference that night there was a Young Adult Fireside (that was the over 18 age kids were called back in the old ages). I went and Ty was also there. After the Fireside he asked me for my phone number. A couple of days later he called early in the morning. Unfortunately, I was already at work. I started work at 6:00 in the morning in those days. He tried a couple of more times and finally my dad told him to call back after 3:00 p.m. and that I would be home. We finally got to talk and he asked me out on our first date. It was January 14, 1983, We went to El Torito a very nice Mexican restaurant in Rancho Mirage. (It not there anymore). I was a big fan of mexican food so I ordered a side chicken taco and that it. My meal cost all of $2.75. He said "boy, you are a cheap date" I didn't tell him until later that I really didn't like mexican food. I was a pretty picky eater back then. After that date we saw each other everyday. From the first time I laid eyes on him I knew he was the one for me. So on February 5, 1983 (which is Ty's birthday) he proposed to me on my living room couch. If you ask Ty he will tell you I asked him but he really did ask me. I know you are probably thinking WOW 2 weeks of dating and they are engaged. My parents weren't shocked because they had a very short courtship also and so did my sister Stacey and her husband, The shock came from Ty's parents. He was their firstborn and first son getting married. He also had just gotten home from his mission. We had talked about getting married on my birthday which is in April but then after thinking about it we needed alittle more time. So July it was. The hottest part of the year in the Desert. We were married early in the morning in the Los Angeles Temple.

We then went to the prestigious Jonathan Club for a lunch with the wedding party. Then it was back to the desert for a reception at the Stake Center (Yes, the very Stake Center we meet in today). We then honeymooned in Lake Tahoe.

Five years later, we started our family. First was Kirk.
Then came Cameron, Nick and finally Jared