Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

What could be better Easter and General Conference? I can't tell you how forward I look to General Conference. Not only do I love to hear the words of our Prophets and General Authorities but I also love this time with the family. We have a great breakfast (sorry I forgot to take pictures) but we had scrambled eggs, hash browns and cinnamon rolls. We were not only physically fed but also spiritually fed. I just loved all the talks but the afternoon session really stuck out to me with all the talks regarding our youth. I can't wait to watch them over and over. Thank goodness for DVR's.
My boys love the fact that I still do Easter gifts. I think they would be disappointed if I didn't. As you can see the presents have changed over the years. It use to be toys and candy and now it is - Car wash soap and febreeze for Cam's car. Gladware for Kirk so he can take his lunches to school and work, a basketball for Jared of course because he loves Basketball so much and Nick looks like he got nothing but he got a thing for his video games but I never got a picture of that. They also all got new socks since we go through black socks around here like they were candy. Luckily everyone wears the same size. I hope everyone had a great Easter and General Conference Weekend.
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  1. It's nice to know that the older kids still enjoy these holidays and getting gifts from mom. What a sweet mom you are.

  2. You are so cute. What a good mommy. I want to hear more about your impressions from conference. Let's walk and talk. Love you good lady.
