Sorry the pictures are kinda dark it was early in the morning and it was dark.
We surprised Cameron this Christmas with this cute 1998 Mustang. A fellow worker of Ty's was selling it really cheap and we couldn't pass it up. So we made a few improvements and had it done my Christmas Eve. Cameron had no clue he was getting a car. He just couldn't figure out why he only had 3 presents under the tree and everyone else had more. Ty just loves to try and stump the kids with what their presents are so he would wrap small items in huge boxes and stuff them with paper so the item wouldn't slide around. So Chrismtas morning as were were opening presents Cameron opend his first one and Ty had taken his model mustang and blew up a picture of Cameron and made a speech bubble that said "Cameron, wouldn't this be nice if this was real" He said you are so funny dad. The next present was headphones from Nick. Then he saw this long tube and couldn't figure out what it was. He opened it and it was stuffed with rags and then a envelope. He opened the envelope and his eyes just lit up. If anyone knows Cameron he doesn't get very excited but the look on his face was priceless when he took the keys out of the envelope. Ty said you better go look outside. He was estatic. He couldn't believe it. We kept a good secret.